Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

Ways To Blog Could Not Copy Paste , Right Click , Ctrl + U , Ctrl + C and Ctrl + A

Next time I will share how your blog can not in { copy , paste , Ctr + u and Ctr + A }
Indeed many out there who post the same way as I did but there is no harm in it I redistribute my way okay good for rotten base.

Anti Copy Paste , Right Click , Ctrl + U , Ctrl + C and Ctrl + A

1. Log in to your blogger account
2. Select the template and click EDIT html
3. Find the code < body> , to accelerate press ctrl + F
4. Then the code <body > removed and replace one of the codes below :

can not right click :

<body onkeydown = " return false ; " >

So that can not right click , ctrl + u , ctrl + a, ctrl + c etc :

<body oncontextmenu = ' return false ; ' onkeydown = " return false ; " onmousedown = " return false ; " >

5. Then Save and see the results.

Anti Right Click Script with warning signs

1. Log Into Your Blog Address
2. Open the Dashboard and click Layout
3. Open the Page Elements
4. Click Add gadged
5. Copy the following script code

    < script > var message = " Sorry ,, Prohibited Right Click On Site KomJon " ;
    clickIE4 function ( ) {if ( event.button == 2 ) {alert (message ) ; return false ; } } function clickNS4 ( e ) {if ( document.layers || document.getElementById && ! ​​document.all ) {if ( e .which == 2 || e.which == 3 ) {alert (message ) ; return false ; } } } if ( document.layers ) { document.captureEvents ( Event.MOUSEDOWN ) ; document.onmousedown = clickNS4 ; } else if ( document.all && ! ​​document.getElementById ) { document.onmousedown = clickIE4 ; } document.oncontextmenu = new Function ( " alert ( message) ; return false " ) < / script > 

6. Then click the HTML / Javascript
7. Copy And Paste the above code
8. Replace " Sorry ,, Prohibited Right Click On Site KomJon " with yours
9. SAVE And See results .

Redirect Script / Divert CTRL + U to Address Other

For you who want to protect your blog / website with Ctrl + U , to minimize the Copasser , you can forward / redirect function Ctrl + U to another address , do this follow the steps below :

1. Go to Account blogger pal
2. Select the template and click EDIT html
3. Find the code < body> , to accelerate press ctrl + F
4. Copy and save the code below just above the < / body>

<script type='text/javascript'>
shortcut={all_shortcuts:{},add:function(a,b,c){var d={type:"keydown",propagate:!1,disable_in_input:!1,target:document,keycode:!1};if(c)for(var e in d)"undefined"==typeof c[e]&&(c[e]=d[e]);else c=d;d=c.target,"string"==typeof c.target&&(d=document.getElementById(c.target)),a=a.toLowerCase(),e=function(d){d=d||window.event;if(c.disable_in_input){var e;d.target?e=d.target:d.srcElement&&(e=d.srcElement),3==e.nodeType&&(e=e.parentNode);if("INPUT"==e.tagName||"TEXTAREA"==e.tagName)return}d.keyCode?code=d.keyCode:d.which&&(code=d.which),e=String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase(),188==code&&(e=","),190==code&&(e=".");var f=a.split("+"),g=0,h={"`":"~",1:"!",2:"@",3:"#",4:"$",5:"%",6:"^",7:"&",8:"*",9:"(",0:")","-":"_","=":"+",";":":","'":'"',",":"<",".":">","/":"?","\\":"|"},i={esc:27,escape:27,tab:9,space:32,"return":13,enter:13,backspace:8,scrolllock:145,scroll_lock:145,scroll:145,capslock:20,caps_lock:20,caps:20,numlock:144,num_lock:144,num:144,pause:19,"break":19,insert:45,home:36,"delete":46,end:35,pageup:33,page_up:33,pu:33,pagedown:34,page_down:34,pd:34,left:37,up:38,right:39,down:40,f1:112,f2:113,f3:114,f4:115,f5:116,f6:117,f7:118,f8:119,f9:120,f10:121,f11:122,f12:123},j=!1,l=!1,m=!1,n=!1,o=!1,p=!1,q=!1,r=!1;d.ctrlKey&&(n=!0),d.shiftKey&&(l=!0),d.altKey&&(p=!0),d.metaKey&&(r=!0);for(var s=0;k=f[s],s<f.length;s++)"ctrl"==k||"control"==k?(g++,m=!0):"shift"==k?(g++,j=!0):"alt"==k?(g++,o=!0):"meta"==k?(g++,q=!0):1<k.length?i[k]==code&&g++:c.keycode?c.keycode==code&&g++:e==k?g++:h[e]&&d.shiftKey&&(e=h[e],e==k&&g++);if(g==f.length&&n==m&&l==j&&p==o&&r==q&&(b(d),!c.propagate))return d.cancelBubble=!0,d.returnValue=!1,d.stopPropagation&&(d.stopPropagation(),d.preventDefault()),!1},this.all_shortcuts[a]={callback:e,target:d,event:c.type},d.addEventListener?d.addEventListener(c.type,e,!1):d.attachEvent?d.attachEvent("on"+c.type,e):d["on"+c.type]=e},remove:function(a){var a=a.toLowerCase(),b=this.all_shortcuts[a];delete this.all_shortcuts[a];if(b){var a=b.event,c=b.target,b=b.callback;c.detachEvent?c.detachEvent("on"+a,b):c.removeEventListener?c.removeEventListener(a,b,!1):c["on"+a]=!1}}},shortcut.add("Ctrl+U",function(){top.location.href="http://synasmedseo.blogspot.com/"});
5. Replace the red with your blog address / URL destination
6. Save and see the results

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